Astrology Horoscopes · My Thoughts · Recently Published · Women Empowerment

December 2023 Astrology Horoscopes and Zodiac Signs

It is the end of the year and we are so close to 2024! It is time to consult the stars and check the planet alignments. Let’s see what the cosmos have in store for you this December.

We swear we did not just make this up! (I swear it!) I put in actual research and effort to get these predictions right. Join me while we tap into our third eye and read your astrology signs and horoscopes.

(Be sure to follow us for some very good karma!)

Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

You may see an important achievement in your future if you stay in good company. Be patient with petty family members this month and cope by trying meditation and breathing exercises instead of alcohol. You may need to cut corners this month to bring everything together, so expect some delays and setbacks.

You’ll need to focus on your home life and improving your home space to have a good outlook for 2024. You must stay compassionate this month which will lead you on the right path into the new year!

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

Calm down and take advantage of the supportive energy surrounding you this month. You’ll wrap up 2023 with inspiration and future plans. Embrace the real you even your eccentric and unpredictable self.

You have some financial prospects that will be yielding the sweetest of fruit soon and this month it may pay off to divert from your usual routine. You will feel a mental relaxation this month just as long as you avoid Leo’s so stay clear and celebrate the end of the year in style!

Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

Everything is as it should be in love and war this month for you. You will tackle some work challenges and you will hash it out with some inferiors. You will see some shifting of responsibilities and you will come out on top.

Pick up some old projects and see where it leads you. You may need to make a sort of sacrifice before stepping into the new year so weigh your decisions carefully.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

It’s time to put your personal relationships first so don’t slack off when it comes to your heart and put more effort into making connections. Be careful not to fall into some old toxic patterns and instead focus on what is working for you.

The end of the year will bring you new enthusiastic energy and some good news so be sure to bask in the glow honey!  

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

Take the advice when it is offered to you this month it won’t lead you astray, if you do not heed the advice you will wish you had. When it comes to your professional life you will need to be very persuasive to see a pay-off.

You might encounter some gossip and petty conflicts but don’t let it upset you just ignore it and move on. Even though you may experience some theatrics this month you will end the year on a positive note.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

You will be a nosy nelly this month inserting yourself into other people’s business and it may lead to feelings of jealousy. You’ve been warned. When it comes to your academics do not dilly-dally this month and instead focus on productivity. Do not put things off!

Your health is on point this month and it is best to be more polite than honest with your conversations this month or you could irreparably damage someone’s feelings. Someone you care about. You’ll regret it if you are too assertive.

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

You are a busybody but you may want to hold back due to your health. You will need to rest and recover this month to avoid some serious burnout or illness. You will need to make some personal decisions about people close to your heart.

Before you enter the new year you need to confront some fears, reconcile, and move on. People will rally around you and give you their support. It is time to surrender, forgive, and let go so you can embrace 2024.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

Seek clarity and get all of the facts before you confront anyone or else you could really embarrass yourself. You’ll receive some important end-of-year guidance so take heed. Address your toxic behaviors and you will feel a breakthrough that will lead you into the new year on the right path.

You may be having to over-communicate this month to get your point across and if you are generous you will end the year in harmony so give back, pay it forward, and do something nice for someone else.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

Stay focused on your ambitions this month do not let anything railroad you. Be selfish this month it’s going to push you forward toward an important breakthrough. Keep your relationships casual and don’t overthink them.

You need to focus on your mental happiness this month to be sure you enter the new year in the right headspace which means spending time alone and considering your own needs and desires. You’ll end the year with some added blessings.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Happy Freaking Birthday! You’ve been resting and now it is time for a new pattern as you enter into your Birthday season! Get playful and adventurous. Pursuing encouraging conversations this month could make you feel a greater sense of belonging.

If you have the opportunity to collaborate you should take it. Luck is in the air for you and if you stay determined and open you can enjoy some blessings heading into 2024.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

Trust your instincts and stay open to new connections. Your month is going to be social and full of progress so do not limit yourself. Do not people please this month and make time for yourself in your busy pursuits.

You’ll hit a turning point before 2024 and it will be just what you need to enter the new year with a fresh perspective. You’ll gain insight and clarity going into the new year if you allow yourself to get out of your own way. Sorry, not sorry.

Pisces:  February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

If you allow yourself to be vulnerable and follow your heart you can expect some positive changes. Reconsider your obligations and prioritize. You will get some shocking news this month and misunderstandings can unfold so be sure to be clear with your needs.

Be open to love and let your intuition guide you into 2024. Do not take things for granted and count your blessings.

Okay! We did take a few liberties but these predictions are based on the purest chakra and the moon phases people!

All the zodiac sign art is from artist Sidney Hall

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