Boozy Recipes · Recently Published

The Best Apple Cider and Bourbon Cocktail Recipe

Are you looking for an inspirational fall-themed cocktail? EASY! The combination of Rich Bourbon with Crisp Apple Cider is it!

As the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisp, it’s time to indulge in the quintessential fall-themed cocktail that will make you feel like you’re wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket of autumn. Introducing our signature cocktail for the season: Spiked Apple Cider with a Bourbon Twist!

Whether you’re hosting a fall gathering, sipping by the fire, or just looking for a delightful drink to celebrate the season, this Bourbon Apple Cider recipe is sure to hit the spot. Plus, we’ll show you how to make it both hot and cold, so you can enjoy it in any weather.


  • 4 cups of apple cider
  • 1 cup of bourbon (or feel free to substitute with rum for a different twist)
  • 4 cloves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks, plus extra for garnish
  • Sliced pear for garnish (a slice per glass)
  • Ice cubes (if serving cold)
  • Cinnamon and sugar for rimming the glass (if serving cold)

Hot Spiked Cider,

For a Warm and Cozy Experience

  • In a saucepan, pour the apple cider and add the cloves and two cinnamon sticks. Heat it over low-medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it’s nice and hot. Make sure not to bring it to a boil; we want to keep those flavors intact.
  • Once it’s steaming, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  • In your favorite mugs or heatproof glasses, pour 1/4 cup of bourbon (or rum if you’re going for the substitution).
  • Slowly pour the hot spiced apple cider over the bourbon, making sure to leave a little room at the top for the garnishes.
  • Garnish each glass with a slice of pear, a cinnamon stick, and a clove. These additions not only look stunning but also enhance the flavor.
  • Serve your warm Spiked Apple Cider immediately, and enjoy the heartwarming embrace of fall in every sip.

Apple Cider and Bourbon on the Rocks,

For a Cold Refreshing Twist

  • Follow steps 1 and 2 as mentioned above to create the spiced apple cider base.
  • Let it cool down to room temperature, and then transfer it to the refrigerator to chill for at least an hour.
  • Rim the top of your glass by wetting it with the pear and dipping it in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.
  • When you’re ready to serve, fill your glasses with ice cubes or shake the cocktail mixture with ice cubes in a cocktail shaker and strain, so it is cold.
  • Pour 1/4 cup of bourbon (or rum) into each glass.
  • Carefully pour the chilled spiced apple cider over the bourbon.
  • Garnish with a slice of pear, a cinnamon stick, and a couple of cloves for that extra touch.
  • Enjoy your cool and refreshing Bourbon Apple Cider, perfect for those early autumn days when it is still a bit warmer.

Whether you choose to serve it hot or cold, our Spiked Apple Cider is the quintessential fall drink that brings warmth and comfort to any occasion. The combination of sweet apple cider, aromatic cloves, and spicy bourbon are perfect for gathering around the bonfire, enjoying a cozy night in with friends, or simply relishing a quiet moment on your own, this drink is your fall companion.

So, go ahead and whip up a batch of our Spiked Apple Cider, and let the delightful aroma of cloves and cinnamon fill your home. It’s the ultimate fall-themed cocktail that will make you do the happy dance.

Tag a friend who would love to try this, share on Pinterest, and let us know in the comments if you prefer it hot or cold! Cheers to the warmth and coziness of fall!

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