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How to Apply for a Guatemala Tourist Visa Extension

As a person living in Guatemala on a tourist visa, I have become a sort of expert on extending my tourist visa, and that of my daughter, and I’d be happy to share those steps in the hopes it can help someone else.

Don’t let the steps intimidate you because it is a rather easy and straightforward process. Also, please note this is my own process and there may be other processes that other people use.

When you enter Guatemala you typically get stamped a 90-day tourist visa in your passport which allows you to be legally in the country as a tourist for 3 months. After that 90 days expires you need to either apply for another 90-day extension in Guatemala City at immigration or you need to leave the country. This is how I apply for my and my minor daughter’s tourist visa extensions in Guatemala City.

I live in Antigua, so I commute early in the morning around 7 a.m. to Guatemala City when I am nearing my visa expiration. I prefer not to go over so I do not have to pay the overstay fine which is 15 quetzales a day. If you do go over you can pay the fine at the same time when you go to renew your visa but it adds extra steps to the process.

Go to Immigration

The building can be difficult to find but the trick is to search in Waze for the “Institiue of Migracion.”

The address that is listed on Facebook is incorrect in Waze.

There are a few different places to park around the building in private parking lots and you pay by the hour.

What you will need to bring

  • Your Passport
  • Your Child’s Passport
  • Your Child’s Birth Certificate
  • A Credit Card in Your Name (to prove onward travel)
  • Quetzales (200 per person + 100 more for photocopies and parking)
  • Application (I get mine at the A&L copy center by the immigration building)
  • A pen

Important things to know

Your minor children whose passport tourist visas you are renewing do not need to be present (thank god!)

You can only extend for what your original visa was. For example, if you were one of those unlucky bastards who got a 30-day stamp upon entry instead of a 90-day stamp when you go to extend they will only extend you for 30 days.

They do NOT accept credit cards! You need to pay by either a Guatemalan bank account with a Banrural bank card or Quetzales.

My first stop is to the copy center directly behind the entrance of the building just around the corner. It is called A&L.

I prefer to buy my application here instead of printing it online ahead of time just because A&L will always have the current application and I’ve printed an outdated version before online which was no longer valid. Plus it is a very simple application with just a few things to fill in which I do while waiting in line.

At A&L you will need to get the following photocopies of your documents:

  • A photocopy on one paper of your passport picture and your expiring tourist visa
  • A photocopy of your credit card front and back on one paper (they do NOT charge your credit card. It is to show you have the finances to stay in the country as a tourist for another 90 days and can also pay for a flight to leave. It is proof of Onward Travel. If you do not have a credit card or bank card you can also use a departing ticket. Once you have the photocopy you will want to black out the credit card number with your pen.)
  • Ask for an application

For my minor daughter, I also need the following photocopies to renew her visa:

  • A photocopy on one paper of the child’s passport picture and the expiring tourist visa
  • A photocopy on one paper of your passport picture and your expiring tourist visa. As the parent of the child, it will need to be included with the application
  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate showing you as the parent
  • A photocopy of your credit card front and back on one paper
  • A tourist visa extension application

Wait in line

Okay, you got your paperwork! Hopefully, you do not need to pay the overstay fine otherwise you will need MORE photocopies!

Head to the door and ask the security guard which line is for tourist visa renewal. It is along the side of the building but if you are not sure, no problem, just ask. While I wait in line I fill in the applications.

Once it is your turn to enter the building you go through a quick security check and present your passport to enter. They will direct you to the second floor which is up 2 small flights of stairs.

Once you are on the second floor you just need to have your applications filled in and with the proper photocopies. Here is a quick breakdown of how you present it to the clerk.

  • My Tourist Visa Extension Application
  • My Passport
  • My Passport Photocopy (with picture and visa)
  • My Credit Card Photocopy (with numbers blacked out with a pen)

For My Minor Daughter,

  • Her Tourist Visa Extension Application (with my signature)
  • Her Passport
  • Her Passport Photocopy (with picture and visa)
  • My Credit Card Photocopy (with numbers blacked out with a pen)
  • My Passport Photocopy (because I’m the mother, with picture and visa)
  • Her Birth Certificate Photocopy

Once you give your documents to the clerk they will give you a number. You can sit and look at the TV screen for your number to appear which will direct you to a specific clerk.

Give your documents to the clerk. They may ask you a couple questions and check the spelling of names. They will give you a paper and direct you to the first floor to pay the fee. The fee is $25 or 200 quetzales per application.

You take the fee paper to the first floor to the bank window and pay the fee in Quetzales. They will give you a receipt.

Take your receipt back to the second floor and back to the clerk that was helping you and they will finish preparing your visa extension and they will give you back your passport with the extension in it. You are done!

Now you can enjoy Guatemala for another 90 days! At that point, you have to leave the country.

Pro Tip: Take a book you may be waiting awhile in several lines! (line to enter the building, line till your number is called, line to pay the fee at the bank window.)

This process can take anywhere from one hour to six hours. I usually wait two to three hours but I just renewed my visa yesterday and there were hardly any lines! I was in and out in an hour.

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